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Library Archives Collection

The Library Archives are a collection of the records of business, industry, educational and religious institutions, unions, associations, organisations and societies relating to north Queensland and the tropics. The records of individuals (literary, political, business and academic) are also collected. Personal papers, letters, diaries and reminiscences are included in the records of individuals. Library Archives are a valuable source of original material for research.

Items from the John Busst Archive. Photograph by Michael Marzik.

Elaine Acworth Archive Acworth, Elaine
Harry Aitcheson Archive Aitcheson, Harry
Charles Robert Akins Archive Akins, Charles Robert
Kimball Allen Archive Allen, Kimball
Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook (ASH Inc.) Archive Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union Archive Amalgamated Metal Workers Union and Thompson, Fred
Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union Archive Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia (Townsville Branch) Archive Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Minute books of the Townsville Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 1894-1909 Amalgamated Society of Engineers. Townsville Branch (1894)
Anning Family, Reedy Springs Archive Anning Family
Applied Ecology Pty. Ltd. Archive Applied Ecology Proprietary Limited
Olive Ashworth Archive Ashworth, Olive
Association for the Welfare and Education of Deaf Children in North Queensland Archive Association for the Welfare and Education of Deaf Children
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour Archive Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
Arthur Patterson Atherton's Diary [APA/1/1] Atherton, Arthur Patterson
The Essays of Arthur Patterson Atherton Atherton, Arthur Patterson (1876)
Atherton-Cook Family Archive Atherton, Althea
Arthur Patterson Atherton Archive Atherton, Arthur Patterson
Atherton Shire Council Records Archive Atherton Shire Council
Atkinson Family Archive Atkinson Family
Australian Railways Union, Queensland Branch Archive Australian Railways Union
Australian Society of Accountants (Townsville Branch) Archive Australian Society of Accountants
Australian Workers' Union Archive Australian Workers' Union
Ayr Tramway Joint Board Archive Ayr Tramway
Ayr and Lower Burdekin Caledonian Association Archive Ayr and Lower Burdekin Caledonian Association
Deaconess M. Ayscough Archive Ayscough, M.
Interview 1: Dr Joanne Baker Baker, Joanne and Miles, Debra and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Valentine Bambrick Archive Bambrick, Valentine
Bank of New South Wales, Ravenswood Archive Bank of New South Wales
John Handyside Barnes Archive Barnes, John Handyside
Francis Henry Bauer Archive Bauer, Francis Henry
Wilfrid Bernard Belcher Archive Belcher, Wilfrid Bernard
Peter Bell Archive Bell, Peter
Bell Family Archive Bell Family
James Birrell Archive Birrell, James
Jessica Point State School Archive Boge, Peter J.
Professor Geoffrey Curgenven Bolton Archive Bolton, Geoffrey Curgenven and Delamothe, Peter R.
Hugh A. Borland Archive Borland, Hugh A.
Bowen Downs Station Archive Bowen Downs Station
Keith Brazier Archive Brazier, Keith
Anton Breinl Centre Archive Breinl, Anton
William Brown Archive Brown, William
Brownhill, Kirk and Co. Ltd. Realty Archive Brownhill, Kirk and Company Limited Realty
Building Workers' Industrial Union (Additions) Archive Building Workers' Industrial Union
Building Workers' Industrial Union Archive Building Workers' Industrial Union
Burdekin Dam Archive Burdekin Dam
Cecil Andrew Bussey Archive Bussey, Cecil Andrew
John Busst Archive Busst, John
Charlotte Cameron Archive Cameron, Charlotte
James Cassady Archive Cassady, James
James Cassady's Notebook Cassady, James
Father Publius Cassar Archive Cassar, Publius
Cathedral School of St Anne and St James Archive Cathedral School of St Anne and St James
Charters Towers Gold Mining Archive Charters Towers Gold Field
Charters Towers Municipality Archive Charters Towers Municipality
Charters Towers Stock Exchange Archive Charters Towers Stock Exchange
Minute Book of the Charters Towers Stock Exchange [22 May 1890 - 24 January 1896] Charters Towers Stock Exchange (1890)
Barbara Cheshire Archive Cheshire, Barbara and various creators
Cities and Towns Local Government Association of Queensland Archive Cities and Towns Local Government Association of Queensland
Cleveland Bay Wool Dumping Company Archive Cleveland Bay Wool Dumping Company
Francis Edward Cobbold Archive Cobbold, Francis Edward
Noel Colley Archive Colley, Noel
Neville Charles Copeman Archive Copeman, N.C.
Costello Family Archive Costello, Andrew
Dorothy Cottrell Archive Cottrell, Ida Dorothy Ottley
Interview 2: Ms Sandra Croaker Croaker, Sandra and Miles, Debra and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Cummins & Campbell Ltd. Archive Cummins & Campbell Limited
Cunningham Memorial Home Archive Cunningham Memorial Home
J.F. Currie Archive Currie, J.F.
James W. Cutten's Diary Cutten, James W. (1884)
Daintree Family Archive Daintree Family
Dalgonally Station Archive Dalgonally Station
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Dallhold Case (Additions) Archive Dallhold Case
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Dallhold Case Archive Dallhold Case
Launch of the Centre for Women's Studies at JCU Archive held by JCU Library Special Collections Davis, Kylie (2024)
Day Dawn Mining Company Archive Day Dawn Mining Company
Sir Peter Delamothe Archive Delamothe, Peter Roylance
Foundry Techniques Delta Iron Works (1961)
Delta Iron Works Archive Delta Iron Works Proprietary Limited
Jean Devanny Archive Devanny, Jean
Life on a Barrier Reef Island or Island Interlude Devanny, Jean
District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria Archive District Grand Lodge Carpentaria
Ditton Family Archive Ditton Family
Joe Downey Archive Downey, Joe
Joe Downey's Diary [JD/1/17] Downey, Joe (1957)
Dungeness Campaign Archive Dungeness Campaign
Harriet Elizabeth Edwards Archive Edwards, Harriet Elizabeth
William Gordon Farquhar Archive Farquhar, William Gordon
Ron Farrant Archive Farrant, Ron
Fatnowna Family Archive Fatnowna, Noel
William Eugene Finucane Archive Finucane, William Eugene
Firth Family Archive Firth Family
L.J. Freer, Willis Island Archive Freer, L.J.
Charles Overend Garbutt Archive Garbutt, Charles Overend
Harold Raymond Gardner, MLA, Archive Gardner, Harold Raymond
James Gilmour Archive Gilmour, James Stephen
August Karl (Alf) Glindemann Archive Glindemann, August Karl
Goondi School of Arts Archive Goondi School of Arts
Grant Family Archive Grant Family
Great Northern Freehold Tin Mining Co. Ltd. Archive Great Northern Freehold Tin Mining Company Limited
Marjorie Green Archive Green, Marjorie
Alfred James Green Archive Green, Alfred James
Marjorie Green's writing desk and accessories Green, Marjorie
Greenvale Station Archive Greenvale Station
Gordon Grimwade Archive Grimwade, Gordon
Gunnawarra Station Archive Gunnawarra Station
David Haigh Archive Haigh, David
Joseph Hann and Family Settlement in North Queensland 1861-1871 Hann, Joseph and Hann, William
William Hann's Diary [H/11] Hann, William (1872)
Hann Family Archive Hann Family
Interview 3: Associate Professor Nonie Harris Harris, Nonie and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Interview 4: Dr Ryl Harrison Harrison, Ryl and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Interview 5: Dr Ryl Harrison Harrison, Ryl and Harris, Nonie and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Reverend John Gilbert Harrison Archive Harrison, John Gilbert
Hawton - de Castres Archive Hawton, May
Eustace Robert Hayles Archive Hayles, Eustace Robert
Hinchinbrook (Oyster Point) Campaign Archive Hinchinbrook Campaign
Hollimans Limited, Ravenswood Archive Hollimans Limited
Brian H. Hughes Archive Hughes, Brian H.
Tony Huntington Archive Huntington, Anthony Ronald
Ingham Family Archive Ingham, William Bairstow
Inkerman Sugar Mill Archive Inkerman Sugar Mill
Jack and Newell Pty Ltd Archive Jack, William and Newell, John
Herbert Jaffa Archive Jaffa, Herbert
Kenneth S. Jaffrey Archive Jaffrey, Kenneth S.
Atherton Chinatown Excavations Archive James Cook University
James Birrell Archive, University Library Photographs James Cook University
James Cook University Commemorations Archive James Cook University
James Cook University Development: Pimlico to the first Chancellor [archival footage, 1960-1970] James Cook University (1980)
James Cook University Site Plans Archive James Cook University
Geology Department Maps Archive James Cook University, Geology Department
Jenkins-Armstrong Archive Jenkins-Armstrong
Don Johnson Archive Johnson, Don
Godschall Johnson Archive Johnson, Godschall
Dorothy Jones Archive Jones, Dorothy
Senator Jim Keeffe Archive Keeffe, James Bernard
Kenion and Co. Archive Kenion and Company
Henry George Lamond Archive Lamond, Henry George
Lawson and Son Archive Lawson Family
Brigadier L.H. Lemaire Archive Lemaire, L.H.
Library Association of Australia's North Queensland Regional Group Archive Library Association of Australia
Lloyd's Register of Shipping Archive Lloyd's Register of Ships
Noel Loos Archive Loos, Noel
Anne Lord Archive Lord, Anne and various creators
Edward Yule Lowry Archive Lowry, Edward Yule
Marshall Archive Marshall, John
Alison McDonald Archive McDonald, Alison and various creators
Interview 6: Dr Betty McLellan McLellan, Betty and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Interview 7: Dr Gina Mercer Mercer, Gina and McLellan, Betty and McLean, Coralie and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Interview 8: Professor Debra Miles Miles, Debra and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Irvinebank Mining Company and John Moffatt Archive Moffat, John
James Morrill Archive Morrill, James
Movement for Responsible Coastal Development Archive Movement for Responsible Coastal Development
The Auditors Naish, John
Cutters at White Road Naish, John
The Factory Naish, John
The First Mrs Peters Naish, John
Glamour Naish, John
The Good Fortune of Frank Rees Naish, John
John Naish Archive Naish, John
The Lease of Life Naish, John
The Maoris Naish, John
Mark, The Syrup and The Ashes Naish, John
Oliver in Aden Naish, John
Peace Polony Naish, John
Picture Night Naish, John
Six Plays on Sex Naish, John
The Strange Black Creatures Naish, John
That Men Should Fear Naish, John
Woman at Sundown Naish, John
Interview 9: Ms Elodie Oxenham Oxenham, Elodie and Oxenham, Chantal and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Festival of Pacific Arts Archive Pacific Arts Festival
Townsville Custom House Plans Payne, George David (1899)
Pioneer Sugar Mill Archive Pioneer Sugar Mill
Register of Pacific Islanders Employed at Pioneer in the District of Townsville: schedule L [1895-1906] Pioneer Sugar Mill (1895)
Joseph Skinner Popham Archive Popham, J.S. and various creators
Jesse Popham's Diary Popham, Jesse (1870)
Rose Popham's Autograph Album Popham, Rose and various creators (1913)
Robert [Bob] Preston Archive Preston, Robert and various creators
Quarantine Station Magnetic Island Plans Queensland Government (1885)
Far North Queensland 2010 Archive Queensland State Government Regional Planning Advisory Committee
Ravenswood Mining Warden's Office Archive Ravenswood Mining Warden’s Office
George Roberts Archive Roberts, George Vivian
University of Queensland Ultraviolet Research Data Archive Robertson, Dr D.F.
Val Russell Archive Russell, Valerie A.M.
Val Russell Sketchbook No. 16 Russell, Valerie A.M. (1975)
Val Russell Sketchbook No. 30 Russell, Valerie A.M. (1985)
Val Russell Sketchbook No. 6 Russell, Valerie A.M. (1969)
Scottish Australian Company Limited Archive Scottish Australian Company Limited
Vernon Shaw Archive Shaw, Vernon
Arthur Shepherd Archive Shepherd, Arthur
Anneke Silver Archive Silver, Anneke and various creators
Ronald Vernon Southcott Archive Southcott, Ronald Vernon
Cane Toad Project Archive Speare, Rick
Sugar Mill Photographs Archive Sugar Mills
Edward Hayes Talbot Archive Talbot, Edward Hayes
Edward Hayes Talbot's Diary Talbot, Edward Hayes (1878)
The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University Archive The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook Univeristy
Folder 10: Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University Archive Project, 2022-2024: Stage Two – Creating and launching the archive The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 1: Establishment Documents 1993 The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 2: Inauguration Documents 1994 The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 3: Early Years - Administration Documents The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 4: Handbooks The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 5: General Administration Documents, 2004 - 2012 The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 6: Reflections on Women's Studies' Students The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 7: Resources and Subject Content Examples The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 8: Community Engagement The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Folder 9: Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University Archive Project, 2022-2024: Stage One - Rehoming the "Ginni Hall Collection" (Centre for Women's Studies Library) The Centre for Women's Studies at James Cook University
Interview 10: Emeritus Professor Ros Thorpe Thorpe, Ros and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Interview 11: Emeritus Professor Ros Thorpe Thorpe, Ros and Miles, Debra and Davis, Kylie (2023)
Salvador Torrents Archive Torrents, Salvador
Townsville Baptist Church Archive Townsville Baptist Church
Townsville Chamber of Commerce Archive Townsville Chamber of Commerce
Townsville Custom House and Quarantine Station Plans Archive Townsville Customs House
Townsville Pacific Festival Archive Townsville Pacific Festival
Percy Trezise Archive Trezise, Percy
Percy Trezise's Diary [PT/1/1a] Trezise, Percy (1968)
Percy Trezise's Diary [PT/1/1b] Trezise, Percy (1968)
Percy Trezise's Diary [PT/1/2] Trezise, Percy (1969)
Anzac Day Archive Various creators
Cameron Family Archive Various creators
Charters Towers Historical Photographs Archive Various creators
Coral Sea 1992 Archive Various creators
David Hugh Trollope Archive Various creators
Edmund Kennedy Memorial Walking Track Archive Various creators
Martin Gallery Archive Various creators
New Moon Theatre Archive Various creators
Scartwater Trust Archive Various creators
Venus Battery Archive Venus Battery
Durham-Georgetown Workers' Political Organisation Archive Workers' Political Organisation