Far North Queensland; advisory committees; government agencies; regional planning; regional development; branding; tourism
The Far North Queensland (FNQ) 2010 was a project, largely advisory in character, which was developed in the early 1990s for the Far North Queensland Region. The project involved extensive consultation with government and non-government agencies and non-government organisations in the region. Government agencies identified the following priority areas that had to be addressed: regional tourism, ageing population, better infrastructure, creative and new industries, environmental sustainability, resource management and community development.
The FNQ region in Australia's tropical north east covers a vast geographical area. The FNQ 2010 plan began in 1992 when the state government initiated a regional planning process that became a comprehensive planning and decision-making framework for sustainable development in a region. The government authority that developed FNQ 2010 was known as the State Government Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) and its aim was to create an Integrated Regional Development Plan. This plan was to be used as the framework for all three levels of government and the community to assist cooperative decision-making, and to ensure that future planning and development were done in a collaborative, consultative, and integrated way. A large part of the documents concerning FNQ 2010 concern the marketing or 'branding' of this regional development scheme.
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